Hey Newgrounds,
I haven't made a post In a while but I have been lurking around and checking out other peoples work from time to time. I really miss posting animations here and I miss interacting with the community. But hey. What can one do?
We received some cool news yesterday that our show, Doraleous and Associates has been accepted into Comic-Con. I've never been to New York so I'm super excited for the experience. I've also never been to any sort of convention like this. If any of you fine people are attending come and check out our show at the screener. It will be on Friday, October 8th Screening Room 1 (1E02)3:30 - 5:00pm.
We're still cranking out one episode a week, but the show has gone to a bi-weekly schedule for a while. That's because we have some REALLY cool news coming up and we're about to get insanely busy. Stay tuned.
-Jon Etheridge
President/CEO Appsro Inc.
Haha congratulations :)
Thanks. :)