We're making a MOVIE! Yeah, a full length animated feature. What?!
Obviously I'm excited as hell as is the whole team. We've never tackled anything like this and we have no idea how it's going to turn out. It might be shit. I'm just warning you.
I just want to extend a heartfelt thanks to Newgrounds, Tom and the entire community. (except for the assholes) This is the place where I got my start and without this site I would not be making cartoons for a living. I hate I haven't been able to upload anything in a while (stupid ass contracts) but I still admire all the crazy talent that bleeds from this side of the internet.
For you Doraleous fans, episode 36 will be the last one for a while. We're going to do the movie and then we'll come right back to it. Sucks to have to wait, but it should be just like waiting for the next season of your favorite tv show. No biggie.
I attended my first Comic-Con this year and that was crazy! Check out the video of our adventure. Some of the costumes there were pretty impressive and just the size of the place blew my mind. I come from a small town with two stop lights and a McDonalds. New York City was a bit overwhelming.
Lastly, I've made a facebook page for Appsro now. (yay) Be a chum and like it.
-Jon Etheridge
Appsro Animation
No info about movie?That should be in there.Also,better be Prostitute Mickey:The movie.
I can't say too much just yet. (contracts blah blah blah) Only that it's an animated feature more info to come.