What's going on chicks and dicks.
So yeah, first off you may notice my name change here on Newgrounds. It used to be 'Appsro' but Mr. Fulp was nice enough to change it to 'JonnyEthco' to match my youtube branding.
Secondly, if anyone has been wondering where I've been I was busy animating 13 episodes of our hit show 'Battlefiled Friends' and then after our sucsessful Kickstarter, 13 episodes of Doraleous and Associates. So I've been busy, shut yer mouf.
But now I'm back to making random cartoons for a while. I want to test out different styles and try to improve my aimtion skills. My fisrt new vid is here on Newgorunds so check it out.
Lastly, I'm headin to the Newgrounds offices for PICO DAY! I can't tell you how stoked I am about it. I grew up with this website and it definently shaped who I am so to finally meet the creators of it is going to be awesome. Also I get to meet other artist and animators who's stuff I love so that's a plus. Philadelphia, here I cum!!!
Does this mean Renegade awesome is coming back? :D
May do an update but not a weekly episode. If anything just one every now and then.